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Standard GB7000.1-2015 for Lamps, blue light hazard

Standard GB7000.1-2015 for Lamps,blue light hazard


The new national standard GB7000.1-2015 for Lamps has been implemented and force the measurement of blue light hazard


China Quality Certification Center issued a notice, the latest version of the national mandatory standard GB 7000.1-2015 "Lighting Part 1: General Requirements and Tests" (as "new standard") issued on December 31, 2015 Implemented on January 01



Compared with the old version of the standard, the new version of the standard has been revised in several cases, one of which increases the requirements for Blu-ray hazards, such as:

  ♦ Luminaires with integral LED or LED modules shall be evaluated for blue light hazard in accordance with IEC/TR 62778.

  ♦ For portable luminaires and nightlights for children, the blue light hazard level measured at a distance of 200 mm shall not exceed RG1.

  ♦ For portable lamps and portable lamps, if the blue light hazard level measured at a distance of 200mm exceeds RG1, the symbol “Do not stare at the light source” should be marked on the outside of the fixture, as shown in the figure below.



♦ For fixed luminaires, if the blue light hazard level measured at a distance of 200 mm exceeds RG1, then the critical distance of the luminaire just at RG1 needs to be determined experimentally.


Blu-ray hazards have been a hot issue of concern recently. According to the standard IEC 62471, the blue light hazard mainly refers to the photochemical reaction caused by optical radiation between 300 nm and 700 nm, which causes damage to retinal damage. Since the blue light component of the LED product is rich, and the brightness of the exposed LED light source is often high, the LED lamp may have a risk of blue light hazard.

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