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EN 60065, IEC 60065 certification for Audio video

EN 60065, IEC 60065 certification for Audio video


The eighth edition of EN 60065 was issued in 2014. This standard specifies the safety requirements for sound, imaging and similar electronic products. All products entering the European market must be tested for compliance with this new standard.


This standard is based on the harmonic standards under the RTTED (1999/5/EC), LVD (2006/95/EC) and GPSD (2001/95/EC) directives. Audio and video products within the RTTED and LVD directives must comply with this standard in order to mark CE on the product. If your product must be evaluated in accordance with this standard to reduce the risk of being ordered to stop selling due to non-compliance, United Testing can provide relevant consulting and certification services.


EN 60065:2014 is intended for use in electronic equipment designed to receive, generate, record or reproduce audio, video and related signals from utility power sources, power supply units, batteries or from remote power systems.  


If you know more information about the EN 60065 certification, please contact us.

Melissa He  melissa@uni-lab.hk  Phone:+86 0755-86180996/+13066967377

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