FCC-ID certification standard
FCC-ID certification standard
FCC PART 15C: Intent Radiation Device Test
FCC PART 18: Industrial, scientific and medical equipment
FCC PART 22: Public Mobile Communications Service
FCC PART 24: Personal Communication Service
FCC PART 25: Satellite Communication Service
FCC PART 27: Other FCC Wireless Communication Services
FCC PART 68: Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
FCC-ID certified product range
Wireless products:
Bluetooth BT products, tablet computers, wireless keyboards, wireless mice, wireless readers, wireless transceivers, wireless walkie-talkies, wireless microphones, remote controls, wireless network devices, flip pens, wireless remote controls, Wireless image transmission system and others low power wireless products;
2, wireless communication products:
2G mobile phone, 3G mobile phone, 3.5G mobile phone, DECT mobile phone (1.8G, 1.9G frequency band), wireless walkie-talkie