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Mechanical CE certification, mechanical product CE certification, mechanical CE certification body

    What is mechanical?What is a dangerous machine?What are not within the range of mechanical instructions?What are the mechanical safety assessment criteria?Mechanical safety requirements?What advice and requirements does the eu CE certification have for machinery?What are the products of mechanical regulation?What are the main steps of mechanical CE certification?

    Mechanical CE certification

    In accordance with the rules of instruction (Article 1.2) a combination of zero components.At least a part of it is the purpose of raw material processing, handling or packaging, and the movement of the appropriate actuator, controller or circuit, which is called [mechanical].

    What is machinery

    Mechanical CE certificate [mechanical] also contains a group of machines that are arranged and controlled in order to achieve the integrated functions of raw materials processing, processing, transporting and packaging.In addition, some safety components in use, and if the component failure will endanger people in exposure to the safety or health of security components [], also belong to this directive contains general machinery.

    What is a dangerous machine

    What is a dangerous machine is a mechanical instruction set forth in appendix iv of the mechanical instruction.Mechanical instruction 2006/42/EC has a distinct distinction between [general mechanical] and mechanical (attachment 4) machines considered particularly dangerous.It is important to distinguish your machine from the machinery of appendix iv before proceeding with the instruction specification.

    A, general mechanical risk mainly from the following four parts: the normal use of processing machinery, such as mechanical parts could rebound and hurt the working staff, the processing machinery design and manufacture should be able to prevent the bounce of the machined part, so as not to cause harm.

    If the processing machinery stops working, the contact with the cutter is still in danger, and the processing machinery must be equipped with an automatic stop device to ensure that the cutter is stopped in a very short time.If machining machines with knives are not fully automatic equipment, their design and manufacture should prevent the occurrence of hurtful events;Or use a circular section of the cutter and limit its cutting thickness to keep the hazard to a minimum.Mechanical hazard: mainly from motion components, including the movement shaft and the transmission mechanism caused by the compression, shear or inching and other hazards.

    Experts suggest using a stationary or mobile shield to prevent people from approaching dangerous areas.

    2. Mechanical safety should consider the following points:

    1, components requirements related to security functions of control circuit in the design, choice and mature technology must be used in the process of assembly components, namely in the similar applications widely and successfully used, or according to reliable safety standards for manufacturing of components and the use of mature technology.

    The safety control circuit should be able to withstand the expected operating strength and can withstand the influence of working medium and the influence of the external environment in the operation process.

    When designing the circuit, it is necessary to adopt the components with extremely safe and reliable work, which can not consider the possibility of the failure of such components themselves.

    At the same time, in order to avoid short circuit, reduce the incidence of failure, determine the type of fault, to accurately detect and avoid the happening of secondary fault, fault can be used such as isolation circuit, sufficient carrying capacity, when open power, a good grounding in time in case of failure.

    2, the machine stop safely required machinery and equipment protection, its core is to make the machine equipment action to stop it, how to machinery and equipment from running to stop is very important.Depending on the safety protection device used, there may be different safety stopping functions.

    Used in the normal operation of the stop function, must be able to avoid the machinery and equipment, product and process are destroyed, at the same time to prevent the restart the machine equipment, this is the demand for security to stop function.Number 9 on the EN60204-1 standard.2.In paragraph 2, three types of stop categories are defined:

    Stop class 0: stop by cutting off the power supply to the machine device immediately, which is to stop uncontrolled.

    Stop category 1: the controlled stop, the power supply to the machine equipment executive body has been maintained to gradually stop the machine equipment.The power supply is cut off only when the machine is completely stopped.

    Stop class 2: the controlled stop, the power supply to the machine device driver has been maintained.The correct choice to stop the category must be based on the risk analysis of machine equipment, which is required in the pren954-1 94 standard.

    All machine equipment must have the stop function of stop class 0.Stopping the category 1 and 2 stops only when the security and function requirements of the machine are required.

    3. The use of two-handed control device is used in many dangerous machine equipment, such as forging press equipment and punching and cutting equipment.Hand control device belongs to sensitive type safety protection devices, its effect is when someone in operating machinery and equipment, machinery and equipment to a dangerous action signals, forcing it to use both hands, and had to stay in?A place to ensure safety.

    4. Safe distance solution

    (1) it can be realized by security door switch lock, electro-sensitive photosensitive type safety protection device and two-handed controller.

    (2) in the machinery and equipment of security protection, in addition to the use of safe and reliable protection components, for a very dangerous machinery and equipment, but also to the security and protection control circuit to make certain requirements, in order to improve the level of security and protection, such as safety monitor module.

    CE's advice and requirements for machinery

    : in the use of security carpet machinery and equipment safety protection, some places will not be able to use the security fencing and security door in the danger zone for security protection, such as in some large-scale injection molding machines, often need to machine maintenance and internal adjustment, the need to keep in the external can't start the machine, in this case clearly could not use security door.

    In addition, in some situations that require and can be used for safety protection doors, it is also possible to avoid the use of safety guards for convenience and aesthetics.

    In both cases, the contact type safety protection device can be used in order to achieve the safety protection of the hazardous area.

    In this kind of safety protection device, safe carpet is very characteristic, also be applied very wide one kind.


    The test is a professional machinery equipment CE certification senior institution, is the eu recognized authority.We have a number of experienced engineers in CE certification, as well as the corresponding test instruments, and have been authorized by the eu's public announcement agency.Thousands of customers successful case mechanical CE certification is enough to prove that we can provide you with high quality, professional certification service, make your machine can smoothly through the CE certification, roam in the European market, if you have any questions about mechanical products for the European Union CE certification welcome to contact us.


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