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Saudi energy efficiency

Saudi Arabia energy efficiency profile

    Saudi negative energy efficiency label is the standards organization (SASO) released in 2009 on the energy consumption of air conditioning, washing machines, refrigerators and freezers product label enforcement date, and the announcement to the Saudi national official gazette.


    From April 22, 2010, all air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators and freezer products shipped to Saudi Arabia must be labeled with energy efficiency in addition to the existing certification of Saudi products.


    The corresponding standards for each product are as follows:


    Air conditioning: SASO2663/2007 forenergylabelingandminimumenergyperformancerequirementsforairconditioners; 

    The ducted air conditioning and heat pump: SASO/ISO2681/2007 fortestingandperformanceratingfornon - ductedairconditionersandheatpumps; 

    Ducted air conditioning and air to air heat pump: SASO/fortestingandperformanceratingforductedairconditionersandair ISO2682/2007 - to - airheatpumps; 

    Household refrigerator, frozen cold storage and freezer: SASO2664/2007 forenergyperformance, capacityandlabelingofhouseholdrefrigerators, refrigerator - freezersandfreezers; 

    Household washing machine: SASO2692/2007 forenergylabelingrequirementsofhouseholdwashingmachines; 

    Household washing machine: SASO2683/2007 formethodsofmeasuringtheperformanceofhouseholdwashingmachines; 

    Household washing machine: SASO2693/2007 forperformancerequirementsforhouseholdwashingmachines.

    Saudi Arabia is also adopting the internationally mainstream energy efficiency labeling system, which USES the rating of stars to calibrate products, which is divided into 1 star -6 stars.The higher the star, the higher the energy efficiency, the better the energy saving effect.The energy efficiency label requires information such as the product's trademark, name, volume, annual power consumption, etc. It also requires the use of English and Arabic.



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